
Wednesday, May 2, 2012


   When I was, I went fishing all day, staying out of doors in the heat, not hydrating myself as I should have.  Normally, eight glasses of water is the recommendation.  I was having fun and was not paying attention to the signs of thirst.  Anyway, I was dehydrated.  In that particular situation, simply drinking Gatorade or any other fluids would not take care of the problem.  I had to receive IV fluids at the hospital.
   Sometimes, when we go about living our lives, things get a little stressful.  We may not always pay attention to our own bodies when they warn us that we need help.  Work, relationships, family, bills, situations we are not in control of, etc.  Everything builds.  What could have been handled with a night off or going to the spa now requires a professional's intervention.
   Know this:  You have family who have loved you all of your life.  We love you with all of your "warts" and will do all we possibly can for you. Relax and allow the professionals to do their work.  I am praying for you.

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