
Tuesday, July 23, 2013


   On June 18, 2013, the American Medical Association officially recognized obesity as a disease, not just a medical condition.  Dr. Lou Aronne, an obesity expert at New York Presbyterian Hospital, was quoted on "CBS This Morning" on June 19th as saying, "As it stands, insurance policies 'generally exclude obesity treatment, which limits the treatment of obesity-related conditions, including 'diabetes, high blood pressure, even cancers (that) are caused by obesity."   Dr. Aronne explained that for clinically obese patients, treatment is not as simple as eating less and exercising more.


  So, are you going to believe a "doctor" who obviously has an agenda, or are you going to believe the highly proclaimed reality show that documented that it IS about "eating less and exercising more"?  Are you going to believe your "lying eyes" that tell you that insurance companies DO in fact cover treatment for diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer?  How much profit is there in performing a lap-band vs treating high blood pressure? 
   Remember the post from September 18, 2012, when I told you that pharmaceutical companies have a vaccine for the West Nile Virus but refuse to market it due to not enough profit?  It is so much better to supply medications to treat the disease and allow the public to suffer from it than to vaccinate against it. There is more profit with treatment.
   The CBS report goes on to explain that "Medical therapies and procedures like the lap-band or gastric bypass surgeries are courses of treatment that may now be included in insurance coverage, based on the AMA's decision.  In my personal life, with 18 years as a registered nurse, I the people I know who had the gastric by-pass or lap-band procedure, ended up heavier than they were before the procedure.  We'll see how Governor Christi does.
   If you want to lose weight, it takes commitment.  It is helpful to have a support system, which many who substitute food for affection do not have. 
   When my son suggested that I was a little heavy, I started took control.  I started better nutrition to lose the weight.  It is working for me.  If you would like to know more about nutrition and weight loss, please leave a comment with your contact information.  Nothing is published without my approval, so your information is secure.

What are your thoughts? 

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